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Climate4you Update May 2022

Innehåll: Globala temperaturen | Ole Humlum om temperaturen | Källor

Globala temperaturen

Publ 2022-06-18

Sammanfattning av klimatforskaren Ole Humlums månadsrapporten om vädret i maj 2022.

Den global temperaturen i maj 2022 var lägre än i april. Enligt satellit-mätningar i den nedre troposfären var temperaturen lägre än i april och nästan identisk med maj förra året.

Det var stora kontraster på norra halvklotet på grund av jetströmmarna. Framförallt var
västra Sibirien varmt, jämfört med snittet de senaste 10 åren. Däremot var speciellt nordvästra Nordamerika och västra Ryssland relativt kalla.

Större delen av norra Atlanten var nära 10-årsgenomsnittet. Mycket av norra Stilla havet var relativt varmt. Arktiska oceanens temperaturer var relativt låga eller nära genomsnittet.

Nära ekvatorn var temperaturen mestadels nära eller under 10-årsgenomsnittet. Större delen av centrala Afrika, södra Indien och södra Asien var relativt kalla.

Temperaturerna på södra halvklotet var generellt nära eller under genomsnittet för de senaste 10 åren.

Större delen av Sydamerika, Afrika och större delen av Australien hade under medeltemperaturer. Antarktis var kännetecknas av en blandning av relativt låg och hög

Ole Humlum om temperaturen

Publ 2022-06-18

May 2022 surface air temperature

General: For May 2022, the GISS data portal (https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/) provided 16200 AIRS interpolated surface air data points, based on satellite observations, and visualised here on pages 4-5. According to the GISS and NCDC surface air temperature records, the May 2022 global temperature anomaly was lower than in the previous month. Also, according to the UAH and RSS lower troposphere satellite records the May 2022 temperature anomaly was lower than in the previous month. According to AIRS the May 2022 average surface temperature was almost identical to that estimated for May last year.

The Northern Hemisphere surface temperature anomality pattern (p.4) was characterised by regional contrasts, largely controlled by the dominant jet stream configuration. Especially western Siberia were warm, compared to the average for the last 10 years. In contrast, especially northwestern North America and western Russia were relatively cold. Ocean wise, most of the North Atlantic were near the 10-yr average. Much of northern Pacific Ocean was relatively warm. Over most of the Arctic Ocean surface air temperatures were relatively low or near average.

Near the Equator temperatures were mostly near or below the 10-year average. Especially a region
between 0-30oS in the Pacific Ocean was relatively cold. Most of central Africa, southern India and
southern Asia were relatively cold.

Southern Hemisphere temperatures were generally near or below the average for the previous 10 years.
Most of South America, Africa and most of Australia had below average temperatures. Antarctic was
characterised by a mixture of relatively low and high temperature.


Publ 2022-06-18

Adm: Hans Iwan Bratt, hibratt@gmail.se | 241012